ALIVIA – Active Therapy Icy Hot Gel (400mg THC + 200 mg CBD, 2oz)


60 mL, 2:1 THC to CBD

400 mg THC | 200 mg CBD Active Ingredients

Uses: Muscle Pain | Joint Pain | Swelling | Bug Bites | Rashes | Inflammation | Bruising | Soreness | Skin Irritations | + More

Active Therapy is an aloe-based gel infused with lab-tested cannabis at a ratio of 2:1 THC to CBD. Expect a cooling sensation on your skin, followed by an active warmth. Enhanced with essential oils, Active Therapy will target swelling, inflammation and deep muscle ache. Try this after a workout to reduce next-day soreness, or on a stiff back after a long day sitting in an office chair.

Topicals are a non-intoxicating method of administering cannabis – you will not get high from using our lotions. Start by applying a small amount of lotion to the affected area and massage until fully absorbed. Adjust quantity applied and time between reapplication as needed.

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